1. TRUE OR FALSE: Children, teens and adults who are physically active have healthier bodies and minds*

Being physically active benefits both your body and mind!

It's TRUE! Being physically active benefits both your body and mind!

2. TRUE OR FALSE: Regular physical activity keeps your heart healthy and strong and it helps you build healthy muscles, bones and joints.*

Physical activity is key for a healthy and strong body!

It's TRUE! Physical activity is key for a healthy and strong body!

3. TRUE OR FALSE: Staying active can also raise your self-esteem, improve your mood, help you sleep better and give you more energy.*

Exercising can make you happier, help you sleep and give you energy! How cool is that?

It's TRUE! Exercising can make you happier, help you sleep and give you energy! How cool is that?

4. TRUE OR FALSE: In the long run, exercise can aid in achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight.*

Being physically active is a great habit for your overall well-being!

It's TRUE! Being physically active is a great habit for your overall well-being!

IT’S CLEAR: Children, teens and adults who are physically active have healthier bodies and minds than people who aren’t.